Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Happy Haul-idays!

Say the words "books" and "free," and after months of being the absent writer, I am THERE. I'm starting to think that the only thing I really need for inspiration is a carrot in the form of a free book dangling ever so close to my nose. I would sniff that shit a mile away.

The most important reason why this is awesome is because I could win free books. No explanation needed, except to say that these books are also pretty coolirific AND they'd give me plenty of excuses to continue not writing, which I desperately need. The second reason is that I get to give another friend the same list of $500 books if I win. I don't have many friends, so if you are my friend, your chances are probably better than anyone else's, so you should feel lucky (at least just this once.) Also, I hope you like books about farts.

And the third, and possibly only commendable reason, is that another $500 will go to the charity of my choice, which in this case is Reading Tree. They believe in literacy for all, which I wholeheartedly support. Why, if I'd never become a book nerd, I would have just been...."a nerd".
And that is unacceptable. 

Grand Total $498.78
Let's Make Some Great Art

Let's Make Some Great Art


Indie Publishing

Indie Publishing


Little Book of Letterpress

Little Book of Letterpress


Creative, Inc.

Creative, Inc.








I Was Here

I Was Here





Bedside Dream Journal

Bedside Dream Journal


Living Out Loud

Living Out Loud


Ready, Set, Novel!

Ready, Set, Novel!


The Autobiography Box

The Autobiography Box


The Observation Deck

The Observation Deck


The Cloud Collector's Handbook

The Cloud Collector's Handbook


Farts Around the World

Farts Around the World


A Year in Japan

A Year in Japan


At a Crossroads

At a Crossroads


America's Doll House

America's Doll House


Writer's Workshop in a Book

Writer's Workshop in a Book


The Writer's Toolbox

The Writer's Toolbox


You Know You're a Writer When . . .

You Know You're a Writer When . . .


TCM Classic Movie Trivia

TCM Classic Movie Trivia


F in Exams

F in Exams


7 thoughts:

jcamp2020 said...

Let's Make Some Great Art is a book that I would love for my Grand-daughter

good luck to both of us on this thing..Thank you Chronicle Books! ;D

jeaneC from CA
jcamp2020 at aol

h said...

I can't believe there is a book in existence called "Farts Around the World." Ha! Good luck!

Vintage Love & Photographs said...

I would so love to win this!

lace said...

The girls would love the book about farts! They've enjoyed the walter the farting dog books so more farting books would be great.

This Confetti Life said...

I sooooo want Let's Make Some Great Art! Looks so much fun! Here's hoping we both win!

Kelly Robinson said...

I didn't put any writing books on my own list, but I'd love some. If I don't win my own haul at Book Dirt, I'd be happy to win yours!

Unknown said...

Great list! Good luck :)

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